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Career compass

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  1. This tool was already introduced in Step 6 “Possible Professional Directions” This time the focus is on two remaining segments: What do I want? (Thoughts on motivation) and Who can help me? (Making contacts).
  2. Participants are asked to think of the life scenarios they just designed in previous step. On a separate sheet of paper, adolescents are asked to write down their thoughts on following questions (they can be adjusted by the activity leader):
    1. Why each of the selected scenarios is important for me at this point?
    2. What emotions do I experience when thinking about each scenario?
    3. What are the biggest obstacles in each scenario?
    4. Do I believe I can succeed? What do I need to strengthen this belief in myself?
    5. Who can help me in my path? Write down 3 – 5 people who could support you with advice, encouragement, knowledge and guidance?
    6. What are my biggest fears or insecurities? What are my biggest strengths on the way?

For the adult at this stage it is very important to guide the adolescents towards the closure and summary of their journey to discover their future career possibilities. If it appears that the participant becomes unsure un hesitant about any of the choices: he/she can be directed back to a certain step to make changes or amend the answers or the adult leader of the activity could encourage to continue meanwhile reminding that there always be a possibility to return, choose another professional direction and build a new plan.

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Worksheet “Career compass”

Stage it belongs

Scenarios Selection. Action Plan