Step by step
Growth Mindset
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1. Familiarise yourself with the concepts of fixed and growth mindset. English-speaking youth can watch professor Carol Dwek’s TEDx speech “The power of yet” or adults can translate the content of the video.
2. Allow adolescents to come up with affirmations and examples that describe either fixed or growth mindset.
3. Ask youth to share their personal experiences. Which thinking model is more used in their everyday life in both: at school and during a free time? Why? Should it be changed? Why?
4. Encourage and lead the discussion in two groups:
first group representing the idea that creative thinking is promoted by fixed mindset approach.
second group representing the opposite idea and proving that it is growth mindset that helps to develop creative thinking skill.
Someone with a growth mindset views intelligence, abilities, and talents as learnable and capable of improvement through effort. On the other hand, someone with a fixed mindset views those same traits as inherently stable and unchangeable over time.
“Hard-working’ is what gets the job done. You just see that year after year. The students who thrive are not necessarily the ones who come in with the perfect scores. It’s the ones who love what they’re doing and go at it vigorously.”
Carol Dweck