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Personality Trait BINGO
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- The group leader or facilitator begins with warm-up questions about personality traits, talents, abilities, and skills so that the youth can make guesses about the commonalities and differences between these concepts. If the activity is carried out individually, then one can start by finding explanations of concepts on the Internet, asking teachers, parents, etc.
- 15 different personality traits should be written on the worksheet. It is important to remember that there are no good or bad qualities. You can list yours, but it’s probably harder to describe yourself than others. In that case, you can specify 3-5 personality traits that are shared with a famous person, friends or people present in the room if the activity is done in a group.
- When 15 personality traits are written on the worksheet, they should be compared with others during the conversation. If the work is done individually, at this stage, time can be spent on reflection to determine which 3 characteristics describe the person in a most accurate way.
- Comparing the provided answers allows you to broaden your horizons and get the encouragement you need for the further activities.
- It is possible to change the answers as needed. There are no right or wrong answers.