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Reverse Brainstorm

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  1. Define 1 problem question. For example, there are not enough tourists in Riga (Tallin or Copenhagen) or too much graffiti has appeared in the capital.
  2. Start offering ideas, not to solve the problem, but to make it worse. Allow yourself to be crazy, unpredictable with your ideas. For example, you can offer solutions as: stop taking out garbage, close all hotels, speak rudely to guests, publish the ugliest places in the city on social networks, etc.
  3. Turn all ideas into positive ones. For instance:
    1. In order to increase the flow of tourists in Riga, it is necessary to offer a unique method of waste collection and recycling, turning Riga into the most ecological and progressive city in Europe.
    2. In order to increase the flow of tourists in Riga, promote the development of small hotels, but with a special message, alongside the big hotels, turning Riga into the solo (duo, family) traveler attractive and safe city.
    3. In order to increase the flow of tourists in Riga, create a special social network campaign, publishing the most authentic, beautiful places that have been created from scratch or changed with time, positioning Riga as a progressive, creative city.
  4. Choose at least 3 ideas that you think are possible to implement. Design the possible development path of the ideas.

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