Before you start

To gain as many positive benefits from this toolkit as possible there is a so-called three step warm up section that is kindly advised to be followed .
It helps to think of these steps as introspection about oneself, the world around and the closest support people.
Discovery of interests
As the adolescent is getting ready to embark on a journey of discovering and designing possible life scenarios, one’s talents, personality traits, hobbies and dreams will become handy. Any brief assessment of personality and interests is a desired prerequisite.
Awareness of 21st century skills & professions
Some consideration should be given to professional opportunities, especially ones curently trendy, and ones that might emerge in the closest future. Advise to the adult leading the activity – make it an adventure for all involved – Which ocupations are popular? Are they in high demand? Why? How long one or another profession might last?
Guidance & consulting on professional possibilities
Most of schools have career consulting lectures or classes in their curriculum setting youth on the path to identify professions of interest and develop skills that will serve them in further education. It can be conducted in different ways, however some basic activities to get them engaged and plan for their future should have been taken place.