Possible Professional Directions
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To challenge adolescents creativity by the opportunity to link their imaginary world to real jobs based on their interests. With the help of tools they get an overview of the job ”families”, get the particular professions placed in relation to other trades and get inspiration for a greater variety in the choice of jobs and educations. Combine the future life path imagined in the previous step with realistically possible professional directions.
By completing this step, you should be able to:
Good to know
The focus is on guidance and introduction to various education choices and entryrequirements for those. Self assessed are the student’s professional, personal and social prerequisites to pursue a desired path and suggest more suitable alternatives. The possible choices are defined by the ISCED level 3 awailabilities in the particular country with the emphasis, that eigther some form of studies or on- job learning should be preferred to unqualified work.
The time for each activity depends on the specifics of the situation. The minimum is specified in the description and can be adjusted according to the possibilities. It is advised not to change the order of the tools. If you have to choose only one of the tools, we recommend N# 2 “Requirements for Professions”.